We want all black men to be exempt from military service.ħ. We want education that teaches us our true historyĦ. We want education for our people that exposes the true We want decent housing, fit for the shelter of humanĥ. We want an end to the robbery by the white man of ourĤ. Straightforward, and, for poor blacks in the US ghettos, inspirational:ġ. The Panthers’ 10 Point Platform and Program was Who come out of school semi-illiterate, saying and reading broken words, and That the fathers who worked hard to feed us, that the young brothers in school Newton explained, “that the mothers who struggled hard to raise us, “We’re going to draw up a basic platform,” They knocked on people’s doors in the Oakland ghettos and asked them In determining the aims and objectives of the new party "knew what the street brothers were like, and he knew what had to be Of the Organisation of Afro-American Unity. To the lessons they'd learned from Malcolm X's formation In Oakland, USA, in response to police violence, and inspired by Malcolm X'sĬall to "freedom, by any means necessary." Newton and Seale wereĭisillusioned with middle class nationalism and decided to try and respond

October 1966, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale organised the Black Panther Party (For a more critical look at the Panthers and their times see James Carr, The Black Panthers, & All That).

A short history of and comment on the revolutionary black American socialist organisation, the BPP, which at its height reached around 5,000 members, before disintegrating due to a campaign of state terror and internal problems.